Extremely rare Georgian Sterling Silver Teapot with crest, ebony handle. Crafted by Fogelberg & Stephen Gilbert, hallmarked London c1784

Beswick and Royal Doulton animals

Cinderida Bygones

Vintage costume jewellery and ladies accessories, antique china and linen, boudoir items
Trading at antique fairs only

M: 0409 396 704

E: mccombie48@gmail.com

Hojjati Persian Art Gallery

Specialising in hand made Persian rugs and carpets

Persian Art Gallery, Moore Park NSW 2021

M: 0474 440 000

E: deanhojjati@gmail.com

W: https://hojjati.com.au/

Royal Doulton Australian Bicentennial Collectables

  • Pair of silhouette miniatures English circa 1820
  • Contemporary 14 ct gold heart shaped brooch
  • Cold painted metal parrot pin cushion Germany circa 1890

Specialising in Art Nouveau, Art Deco, needlework and its tools, miniatures and an eclectic mix of glass and ceramics

M: 0430 097 657 

E: suecrowley@simpledecor.com.au

M: 0418 574 570

W: https://www.simpledecor.com.au/

Chippendale style dining chairs

Superbly carved Green Man pedestal desk

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