Murrumbidgee Canberra Rotary presents two awards to Canberra College Year 12 students (the Stuart Garnsey and the Arthur Holder awards) and a two-year bursary (the Robert Harvie Memorial Bursary) to a deserving Melrose High School student who is going to Canberra College.
The award is given annually to a Canberra College Year 12 student (selected by the College teaching staff) who has contributed exceptional service to the College community and achieved academically beyond expectations. It comprises a certificate and $500 (for the purchase of books).
The award (inaugurated in 1972) commemorates the late Stuart Garnsey (1913-1971) who was a founding member of Woden Rotary Club. He was Principal of the Woden Valley High School that amalgamated with the Deakin High School to become the Alfred Deakin High School. The amalgamated school was not located in the Woden Valley so the award was transferred to Phillip College that is now Canberra College.
The award is given annually to a Canberra College Year 12 student (selected by the College teaching staff) who has demonstrated obvious personal development during their time at the College and who has made a major contribution to College life in the areas of citizenship, leadership and sporting achievement. It comprises a certificate and $500 (for the purchase of books).
The award (inaugurated in 1976) commemorates the late Arthur Holder (1923-1976), an Anglican Church minister and Woden Rotary Club member, who died suddenly and is in recognition of the close relationship Arthur shared with young people.
This Bursary is given to a deserving Year 10 student from Melrose High School (selected by the High School staff) who is going to continue their education at Canberra College for their use on out-of-pocket college expenses for academic, education, vocational training, sport and other activities while at College (over one or two years). It's designed to assist the student to achieve their potential where the money is likely to make a significant difference. Academic and other achievements, leadership qualities and career choices are considered, but they are not priority criteria. The Bursary has a value of $1,500.
The Bursary is in memory of Robert Harvie (affectionately known as Bob) a Woden Rotary Club member for many years, who died in mid-2015. His widow, Helen, gave the Club a substantial amount to 'help young people' in Bob's memory.