Club meetings -visitors welcome

At 'formal' meetings we socialise, have a meal, listen to a guest speaker, and discuss Club business

We regularly have outings and meet at cafes, work places, and other places of interest to members

And we we undertake service activities together


On most Wednesday evenings


We meet:

  • Three or four times a month at the Statesman Hotel in Curtin over a meal where we socialise, have a meal, listen to a guest speaker, and discuss Club business (details below).
  • On the fourth Wednesday of each month we organise a site visit and meet elsewhere
  • We undertake service activities together while enjoying friendship and one anther's company.
  • After a big Club activity we may cancel our weekly meeting.
View calendar of meetings and activities on home page

Address a meeting 

Want to address the Club members?

We are always looking for people to address our 'formal' meetings at The Commonwealth Club.

  • ~20 minute address
  • Questions and answers
  • Can show slides from computer

Contact us to address a meeting

Site visit meetings


On the fourth Wednesday of each month we usually have a site visit meeting - at cafe, work place, institution, or other places of interest to members.

Interested in having us visit your premises?  Contact us.

Meetings at the Statesman Hotel corner Strangways & Theodore Streets, Curtin, ACT, 2605

From 6 to 8 pm

Format: arrive about 6:00 pm and order meal from bistro (see menu); eat together as a group away from the main restaurant; and at 6:45 pm adjourn to a private room for our formal meeting that will normally close about 8 pm.

The dress code: smart casual

Visitors welcome but please advise if coming to a meeting (so that we can look out for you) to our meeting manager, if possible, before 5 pm on the Monday (phone 02 6282 1659) or email her:

Email attendance advice

Members Only

Club meeting rostered role description

View description in PDF file
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